
Doka ID

Access to product validity – instantly, at any time

For parts requiring recurring mandatory inspections, safety-related information should be easily accessible - always and everywhere. Evidence of inspections is required through mandatory reports. This and other important information should be easily and quickly accessible.

Doka ID provides you with a simple and efficient solution:

Serial number-related product identification and easy access to safety-related information:

By scanning the QR-Code on a type plate or entering the serial number directly on, all necessary information for the selected part will be instantly available, such as:

  • Status of the last inspection
  • Access to inspection report
  • Further documents & downloads (e.g. operating instructions)
Doka ID

Your Benefits:

Easy product identification

Direct & free access to information

Fast proof of validity

Evidence of inspection fulfilled

Doka ID | App

Contact for Doka ID

You are interested in direct exchange with our DOKA ID Expert? Please contact: