calldocumentfacebookmessagemypartnerwindowsapplegoogleplayworkerroutecoinspinterestplaysearchsmartphonetwittercaraccordeonvideoarrowarrowdownloaddownloaduploadsection_scrollerglobemapIcon-Shop-Websitecontactenergyhomebridgeshighrisetunnelmininghousearrow-uparrow-downarrow-leftarrow-leftarrow-circle-rightchevron-right-circleuserexternlinkcartissuuclosekeystarweb Privacy Statement

Information requirements according to GDPR
Version: 2024

I. Object of the statement

“Doka” (Doka GmbH, Josef Umdasch Platz 1, 3300 Amstetten, Austria; responsible party pursuant to GDPR) takes the protection of personal data seriously. That is why Doka processes personal data independently pursuant to the requirements of the applicable legislation, especially pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons when processing personal data in relation to the free movement of data (“GDPR”).

“Personal data” is all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person such as name, address, email address and IP address.

The aim of this statement is to inform the visitor (also referred to hereinafter as “you” or “your”) about the purpose and scope of processing personal data on the following “websites”, whereby the individual websites do not always use all the cookies or applications listed here and also have their own privacy statements:

II. General processing

Doka processes personal data on its websites based on your consent (use of cookies for analysis and promotional purposes; see below for opt-out; establishing contact via the form or by email, newsletter) and to meet its contractual obligations and in the legitimate interest of ensuring secure shopping (online shop).

Your data is generally not sent to third parties (processors) unless we are legally obligated to do so, it is necessary to forward data to meet our contractual obligations or you have expressly consented to your data being forwarded in advance.

If you use our websites solely for information purposes, i.e. if you do not register or transmit information another way, we will only collect personal data that is sent from your browser. If you visit our websites, we will collect the data listed below that is required by us for technical reasons to display the websites and to ensure their stability and security: IP address and IP location, date and time of the query, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), content of the request (certain page), access status/HTTP status code, transferred data volume, website which the request comes from, operating system and its interface, language and version of the browser software, number, duration and time of visits, search engines and keywords that were used, browser type, screen size and operating system.

Please refer to “Use of cookies” on how to use cookies.

We also add links on our websites to other websites; this is only done for information purposes. These websites are not under our control and therefore do not come under the provisions of this privacy statement. If you access a link, it is possible for the operator of these websites to collect data about you and to process this data pursuant to his privacy statement which may differ from our version.

In general, personal data transmitted by your browser and obtained by Doka in purely informational use of our website (logfiles) are retained for a period of 3 months. Beyond this period, logfiles are stored in our systems only for the purpose of investigating irregularities or security incidents.

In general, Doka stores your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which they were obtained. Therefore, in consequence Doka stores your data for the duration of our contractual relationship or provision of goods and services relationship with you. Beyond this period, Doka stores your personal data to fulfil legal obligations for retention of records (e.g. to fulfil the 7-year obligation to retain records in accordance with the applicable stipulations of tax and corporate law). Insofar as necessary, Doka can also retain your data for as long as the period of limitation for potential legal claims against Doka has not expired; for certain claims the statutory period of limitation can be up to 30 years.

Personal data are either deleted or anonymized as soon as no reasonable grounds for further storage exist.

III. Specific processing

Online shop

In order to answer your queries and fulfil your orders and requests, we will process the following personal data: First name, surname, title, email address, password, date of birth, company, contact, company register number, UID number (tax ID number), telephone number, fax number, delivery address and invoice address, credit card details, account number.

Please refer to “Use of cookies” below on how to use cookies in the online shop.


Doka uses the newsletter to provide information on current topics, new developments and offers. If a user wants to receive the newsletter that can be found on the websites, he/she must provide his/her email address and information that allow us to verify whether a user is also the holder of the specified email address or whether the holder of the email address also agrees to receive the newsletter.

A valid email address is required to register for the newsletter. The IP address and login date are stored during the registration process. This procedure is used for security reasons in the event that a third party misuses the email address and registers for the newsletter without the authorised user being aware. Doka uses this data solely to send the requested information.

Your email address and your first name, surname and title are required to register for the newsletter in the online shop.

eworx Network & Internet GmbH (“eworx”, Hanriederstraße 25, 4150 Rohrbach-Berg, Austria; processor within the meaning of GDPR) is responsible for sending this information. If a user registers for the newsletter, the data specified during the registration process will be transferred to eworx and stored there. After registering, the user will receive an email from eworx to confirm the registration by clicking on the link (“double opt-in”). eworx offers options to analyse how newsletters are opened and used. By ordering the newsletter, you are giving your consent for all the data provided to be processed. The consent to store data, the email address and the use thereof for the newsletter can be revoked at any time. It can be revoked via a link in the newsletter or by notifying Doka.

Contact form

The data entered in the form is stored with Doka for processing queries and in case there are any follow-up questions. By sending the form, you are giving your consent for your data to be recorded and processed electronically.

Doka records the following data when using the contact form: Company/organisation, business segment, company size, employment sector, position, gender, first name/surname, address/postcode/city, country, telephone number, email address, fax number, message, customer number, VAT ID, date, contact, sender, title.

Use of cookies and applications from third-party providers

Cookies are also stored on the visitor’s access device when using the websites. Cookies are small files that enable specific information relating to the access device (PC, smartphone, etc.) to be stored on said device. On the one hand, they make websites more user-friendly and help the user (e.g. storage of login details) and, on the other hand, they are used to record statistical data on website usage and to analyse this data with the aim of improving the range of services. Users can have an influence over the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option that enables the storage of cookies to be limited or prevented completely. However, it is important to note that the use and especially the ease of use will be restricted without cookies.

When using the online shop, cookies are also stored on a visitor’s PC to be able to track movements in the online shop, to use the shopping basket and to recognise visitors who visit our website several times.

Our websites use the following types of cookies, the scope and function of which are explained below:

Transient cookies:

Transient cookies are deleted automatically when you close your browser. These mainly include session cookies. They store what is referred to as a session ID, which can allocate different requests from your browser to the joint session. This allows your computer to be recognised when you return to our websites. These session cookies will be deleted when you log out or close the browser. Session-related cookies must also be approved to be able to use the shopping basket and checkout in the online shop. If a customer generally does not want to or cannot accept any cookies, it is also possible to place an order via email, telephone or fax.

Persistent cookies:

Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period which may differ depending on the cookie. However, you can delete the cookies yourself at all times in your browser settings. They help to improve user-friendliness (displaying content that is suitable for the location) and can be used to analyse websites (see “Google Analytics”). Integrated plug-ins (see below) also employ cookies to carry out their services.

The following cookies are generally added to the websites:

Purpose and procedure
Preserves the user’s preferred settings so that they can be made available automatically if he/she visits the website again; session.
country; Selectedcountry
This cookie is used to store information on which country website users visit and which language preference the user has. If the user visits our websites again, the cookie will be read and country-specific data will be output.
If the site is visited with an IP address from the USA, the user will not be forwarded to via the Locator Service. The user will remain on the international version and receive a notification. The “hideLanguageHintUs” cookie is set if this notification is not displayed or the user has already confirmed the reference to the cookie.
If users visit Doka websites, a cookie notification will be displayed. If users consent to the use of cookies, the acceptcookie will be set and the reference to the cookie is generally hidden when visiting the website again.
The user’s language settings are stored so that the language used is automatically set the next time the website is visited.
This cookie (ISA Web Publishing Load Balancing) is employed when using numerous web front-end servers in ISA Server TMG. It directs queries to the same server.
acceleratorSecureGUID und
These are tokens for a secure session.
A unique number is allocated to the user’s session with this cookie. It is required to ensure that the website works; session.
These cookies are used to store your preferred settings on cookies and third party applications.required
popup_close_<"POPUPID">These cookies prevent individual pop-ups from appearing again; validity: 1 yearrequired
__cf_bmThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.required

Applications of third-party providers:


Google Analytics


Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 USA (“Google”)


These websites use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, text files, that are stored on a computer and which enable an analysis to be carried out on the use of the websites. The information generated by the cookie on the use of these websites is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If the IP anonymisation is activated on these websites (_gat._anonymizeIp), the Google IP address will be truncated in advance within the EU Member States or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address will only be transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there in exceptional circumstances. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of these websites to assess website use, to compile reports on website activities and to provide services to the website operator associated with website and Internet use. The IP address sent by the browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. The storage of cookies can be prevented by setting the browser software accordingly; but we would like to point out that it may not be possible to use all functions of these websites in their entirety in this case. The recording of data generated by the cookie and relating to website use (incl. your IP address) in Google and the processing of this data by Google may also be prevented by installing a browser plug-in.

Google offers a deactivation add-on for the most popular browsers, which offers more control over which data from Google is entered onto the websites that are accessed. The add-on informs the JavaScript (ga.js) of Google Analytics that no information will be sent to Google Analytics on the website visit. However, the deactivation add-on for the Google Analytics browser does not prevent information being sent to Doka or other web analysis services that may be employed.

The following Google cookies are placed on our websites:
“_ga” This cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish between website visitors and to track site visits and the duration of the site visits, expiry 2 years; (Functional & Statistics)
“_gat” This Google Analytics cookie is used to monitor the requirement rate of the servers and to restrict it, expiry 10 minutes; (Functional & Statistics)
“_gid” This cookie is used to distinguish between users, expiry 24 hours. (Functional & Statistics)
"_gali" This cookie is used by Enhanced Link Attribution of Google Analytics to improve the accuracy of the users In-Page Analytics report by automatically differentiating between multiple links to the same URL on a single page by using link element IDs. (Functional & Statistics)
“_gcl_au” This cookie is used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertising efficiency on websites that use the company’s services. Expires after 3 months; (Functional & Statistics)

By visiting our websites, Google receives information that you have accessed the corresponding subsite of our websites and the personal data listed under 2. This occurs regardless of whether you are logged into a Google account or not. If you are logged into Google, your data will be allocated directly to your account. If you do not want this to happen, you must log out of Google before using this service. Google uses your data for the purposes of advertising, market research and tailored website design. You have a right to object to this use of your data and must contact Google directly about it.

Revoking consent:

Browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics:

Google Analytics cookies may also be managed using our general cookie settings. By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.

You can find information on the purpose and scope of data collection in the Google privacy statement at:


Facebook Plug-In


Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA („Facebook“)


Doka uses plug-ins of the social network Facebook. The Facebook plug-ins can be seen in the Facebook logo or the “Like button”. If these websites are visited from Facebook, a direct connection is established between the browser and the Facebook server via the plug-in. This enables Facebook to obtain the information that the websites were visited with the IP address. If the Facebook “Like button” is clicked on while being logged into a Facebook account, content on these websites may be linked to that Facebook profile. This means that Facebook can allocate the visit to websites to the user account. Doka is not informed of the content of the transmitted data and the use thereof by Facebook. Please refer to the Facebook privacy statement for more information on this.

Revoking consent:

If you do not want Facebook to allocate your visit to these websites to your Facebook user account, please log out of this account.

When you visit one of our social media appearances (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), Doka and the Social Media Application/Network are jointly responsible as controllers together with the operator of the social media platform for the data processing activities triggered by your visit. You may as a matter of principle assert your rights (as explained under subsection IV) against Doka and against the operator of the social media portal (e.g. against Facebook, Instagram).

Please note that despite sharing joint responsibility with the social media portal operator, Doka has no comprehensive influence over the data processing activities conducted by social media portals.

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.

Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET)

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA (“Microsoft”)

Doka uses the service Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET) of the Microsoft Corporation. The integration of the Bing tag makes it possible to collect and save user interactions on the pages and to thereby direct advertising to certain user groups in a systematic way. Pseudonymized user profiles are created at Microsoft from the collected and saved data. The data are sent to servers in the US and saved there for 180 days. Also the IP address and the Microsoft cookie “MUID“ are saved (with an expiration date of 13 months). The Microsoft cookie contains a GUID (Global Unique Identifier), i.e. an ID that can be assigned to the browser or the user himself (if he is logged into the Microsoft account). You will obtain more Information on the purpose and scope of the data collection in Microsoft’s Data Protection Agreement, which you can find at:

Revoking Consent
You can manage and prevent the placement of Microsoft cookies by deactivating the cookies via the browser or the general cookie settings. Microsoft can track the user behaviour through several electronic devices with cross device tracking. As a result, Microsoft can offer personalised advertising. This behaviour can be deactivated at

By clicking on "Marketing" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline to use this service on our website.


Facebook visitor action pixels




Doka uses “visitor action pixels” from Facebook on these websites. This enables the behaviour of users to be tracked after they have been forwarded to the websites of the provider by clicking on a Facebook advertisement. This process is used to assess the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes and can help to enhance future promotional measures. The data collected is anonymous for Doka and does not allow for any conclusions to be drawn about the user’s identity. However, the data from Facebook is stored and processed so that it is possible to connect to the relevant user profile and Facebook can use the data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with the Facebook data policy ( The user makes it possible for Facebook and its partners to place advertisements on and outside of Facebook. Cookies can also be placed on the accessing device for these purposes. The following cookies are set on our websites: “_fpb”, “fr”, “tr” (Marketing). Facebook uses these cookies to display a series of advertising products.

Revoking consent:

Revoking consent at Facebook:

By clicking on "Marketing" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline to use this service on our website.


LinkedIn Insight Tag


LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland ("LinkedIn")


Doka uses “LinkedIn Insight Tag” from LinkedIn on these websites. The data collected is anonymous for Doka and does not allow for any conclusions to be drawn about the user’s identity. By using the data from the LinkedIn Insight Tag Doka is able to show personalized ads on an anonymous basis. Additionally, Doka receives reports from LinkedIn about the website audience and ad performance. The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables LinkedIn to collect data regarding members’ visits to Doka´s website, including the URL, referrer, IP address, device and browser characteristics (User Agent), and timestamp. LinkedIn uses anonymous data to improve ad relevance and reach members across devices. The IP addresses are truncated or (when used for reaching members across devices) hashed, and members’ direct identifiers are removed within seven days in order to make the data pseudonymous. This remaining pseudonymized data is then deleted within 180 days.

Revoking consent:

LinkedIn members can control the use of their personal data for advertising purposes through their account settings.

By clicking on "Marketing" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline to use this service on our website.


YouTube Plug-In


YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA


Doka uses a plug-in from the YouTube website operated by Google to integrate videos. If the user visits a website equipped with a YouTube plug-in by Doka, a connection will be established with the YouTube servers. The YouTube server will be informed of which Doka websites have been visited. If the user is also logged into his/her YouTube account, YouTube will be able to allocate the surfing behaviour directly to the personal user profile.

Revoking consent:

This allocation can be prevented by signing out of the YouTube account and other YouTube LLC and Google Inc user accounts and by deleting the relevant cookies:

When you visit one of our social media appearances (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), Doka and the Social Media Application/Network are jointly responsible as controllers together with the operator of the social media platform for the data processing activities triggered by your visit. You may as a matter of principle assert your rights (as explained under subsection IV) against Doka and against the operator of the social media portal (e.g. against Facebook, Instagram).

Please note that despite sharing joint responsibility with the social media portal operator, Doka has no comprehensive influence over the data processing activities conducted by social media portals.

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.


Vimeo Plug-In


Vimeo LCC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA („Vimeo“)

Description: plug-ins are used on these websites. If users access websites that are equipped with a Vimeo plug-in, a connection will be established with the Vimeo servers and the plug-in displayed. If users are logged into Vimeo as members, Vimeo will allocate this information to the personal user account on this platform. However, this allocation could be prevented by the user logging out from his/her Vimeo user account and deleting the corresponding Vimeo cookies before using the Doka website. Further information on data processing and details on data protection from Vimeo can be found at

Revoking consent:

However, this allocation cannot be prevented by the user logging out from his/her Vimeo user account and deleting the corresponding Vimeo cookies before using the Doka website:

When you visit one of our social media appearances (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), Doka and the Social Media Application/Network are jointly responsible as controllers together with the operator of the social media platform for the data processing activities triggered by your visit. You may as a matter of principle assert your rights (as explained under subsection IV) against Doka and against the operator of the social media portal (e.g. against Facebook, Instagram).

Please note that despite sharing joint responsibility with the social media portal operator, Doka has no comprehensive influence over the data processing activities conducted by social media portals.

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.


Sketchfab Plug-In


Sketchfab, Inc., Sketchfab HQ, 1123 Broadway #501 (25th St), New York City, NY 10010 US („Sketchfab“)


Doka uses plug-ins from the website run by Sketchfab, Inc.. If Doka websites are visited by users who are equipped with a Sketchfab plug-in, a connection will be established with the Sketchfab servers which then instructs the user’s browser to display the plug-in on the website. If users are logged into their Sketchfab account, they are enabling the company to allocate their surfing behaviour directly to their personal profile.

Revoking consent:

This procedure can be prevented by logging out from the Sketchfab account:

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.


Watchado Plug-In


whatchado GmbH, Möllwaldplatz 4/39, 1040 Wien, Österreich („Whatchado“)


Doka uses plug-ins on the website run by Whatchado to integrate videos on the websites. Whatchado is operated by whatchado GmbH, Möllwaldplatz 4/39, 1040 Vienna, Austria. If Doka websites are accessed that are equipped with this plug-in, a connection will be established with the Whatchado servers. If users are logged into their Whatchado account, Whatchado will be able to allocate the surfing behaviour directly to the user’s personal profile.

Revoking consent:

This is prevented by logging out of the user account:

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.




Rocket Science Group, LLC, 512 Means St. Suite 404, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA („Mandrill“)


Doka uses the Mandrill service. This involves the specified contact details such as email address, title, first name and surname as well as the content of an email being transferred to Mandrill and stored there. The service manages data about when emails that were sent by Doka, when they have been read and when the links in them have been opened. The service may also gather data on how often an email has been opened and what IP address, which email client and which operating system it is from. The Rocket Science Group, LLC takes part in the EU-US Privacy Shield framework programme of the US Department of Commerce in relation to the collection, usage and storage of personal data from the Member States of the European Economic Area. You will receive information here on which data The Rocket Science Group, LLC collects, processes and uses as part of the EU-US Privacy Shield framework programme and the purposes for which this is done: Further information on Mandrill and data protection at Mandrill can be found here:

Revoking consent:

Mandrill’s services are used when it comes to using contact forms at If you do not want to use this service, we recommend using an alternative method to contact Doka in relation to the contact details specified on the relevant websites.




MaxMind, Inc. 14 Spring Street, 3rd Floor Waltham, MA 02451 USA („MaxMind“)


GeoLite 2 is used to determine IP addresses to provide you with the correct country version of the online shop immediately. GeoLite 2 data is prepared by MaxMind. You can find more information at:

Revoking consent:

Contacting Doka (see below)



“Die Socialisten” Social Software Development GmbH, Andreasgasse 6, Top 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria, Europe (“”)


Doka uses the services of When this plug-in is called, IP address and session-cookie information are sent to, solely on account of technical necessities relating to provision of the service. These data are saved only by in Europe and are not made available to third parties. For more information on data processing by, see the privacy policy of here:

Revoking consent:

You can restrict or prevent the execution of on our websites by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website. In this case our websites might not be available in full and some content might be missing.



Flockler Oy, Rautatienkatu 21 B, 33100 TAMPERE, Finland, Europe ("Flockler")


Doka uses the services of Flockler to gather and display social media content on the website. Flockler doesn’t store any data regarding individual users visiting Doka’s services. However, images and videos from social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and others might track information if you have logged in to those services. When you’ve signed up for those services, you’ve accepted their terms and conditions and privacy policy documents, which are updated from time to time. You can find further information in Flocklers Data Protection Agreement at:

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.



Monotype, 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801, USA ("Monotype")


Doka uses the Web Font Services from In the Web Font Services from no personal data is collected or processed in the context of providing the Web Fonts. Although page views are counted in the context of Web Font Tracking, the IP number from which the page view is made is stored in anonymous form.

Issuu Plug-In

Issuu Inc., 131 Lytton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

Doka uses a plug-in from the Digital Publishing Platform Issuu Inc. on these websites, which makes it possible to show some of our publications and magazines as e-papers. If a user visits Doka pages with an integrated Issuu plug-in, a direct connection will be established with the Issuu servers. The provider sets cookies and transfers personal data, such as IP address and information about the time and duration of use to the Issuu servers, which are located in the US. This also applies if the user is not logged in to Issuu or does not have an account with Issuu. If users are logged into their Issuu account, the provider will be able to allocate the surfing behavior directly to the user’s personal profile. This can be prevented by logging out of the Issuu account. Further information on the handling of user data can be found in the Issuu data privacy policy at: Information about the cookies used by Issuu can be found here:

Revoking consent:
If you do not want Issuu to allocate your visit to these websites to your Issuu user account, please log out of this account.

When you visit one of our social media appearances (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), Doka and the Social Media Application/Network are jointly responsible as controllers together with the operator of the social media platform for the data processing activities triggered by your visit. You may as a matter of principle assert your rights (as explained under subsection IV) against Doka and against the operator of the social media portal (e.g. against Facebook, Instagram).

Please note that despite sharing joint responsibility with the social media portal operator, Doka has no comprehensive influence over the data processing activities conducted by social media portals.

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.


Google Maps


Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”)


Doka uses content from Google Maps of the company Google LLC (“Google”). If the user visits a subpage of on which Google Maps is embedded, data about your behavior when using Google Maps will be transmitted to and processed by Google. Google will process this data as a usage profile to be used for market research or to design Google Maps based on user needs. If you are a Google customer and logged into a Google service, this data will be directly connected to your Google account.

Revoking consent:

If you wish to prevent this from happening, you must log out of Google before visiting our website. You will find more information about Google’s data privacy policy at:

By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website.

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”)

Doka uses the Google Tag Manager tool, which is operated by Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland and allows managing marketed website tags through a single interface. Tags are pieces of code, such as HTML or JavaScript, that are used on the website for analysis or marketing purposes. This can be a social media plugin, a tracking pixel or something similar. The Google Tag Manager, which only implements tags, does not use cookies and therefore no personal data is collected. The tool activates other tags, which may in turn collect data. However, Google Tag Manager does not access this information. For more information about GTM’s data privacy policy please refer to

Revoking Consent:
If recording has been deactivated on domain or cookie level, this setting will remain in place for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager. You can use your browser settings to opt out of cookies. By clicking on "Marketing" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline to use this service on our website.


Stripe Inc., 354 Oyster Point Boulevard, South San Francisco, California, 94080, USA

Stripe is a supplier of payment products whose service is used in the Doka Online Shop to offer online payment options such as payment by credit card.

In the course of online payment, Stripe can log the following data:

  • Information relating to payment method (e.g. credit-card, debit-card or bank-account numbers)
  • Purchase amount
  • Date of purchase
  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Transaction history
  • IP address
  • Country

For anti-fraud purposes in relation to the payment, Stripe also logs interaction data (e.g. mouse movements). The data gathered by Stripe depend on the selected payment method and the Stripe settings.

Stripe itself bears responsibility for the data it collects for its own purposes. For more detailed information see the Stripe privacy policy:

Revocation of consent
Stripe is used for the processing of online payments in the Doka Online Shop. If you do not want to use this service, we recommend selecting an alternative payment method at checkout, for example prepayment or purchase on account.

Google reCAPTCHA, version 3 (v3)

Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Doka uses a service called reCAPTCHA v3, provided by Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, on this website to protect against malicious attacks (e.g. DDoS attacks) by non-human visitors (i.e. bots) and to prevent spam. This service checks whether a specific action on the Doka website, such as inputting data into a form, is carried out by a natural person or by an automated computer program (e.g. spam software). The use of reCAPTCHA v3 means your browser will initiate a connection to Google’s servers. Doka wishes to point out that this service may entail the transmission of personal data to Google LLC in the USA and it is not possible to exclude this possibility.

reCAPTCHA v3 is integrated into our website using JavaScript and analyses user behaviour by transmitting data to Google’s servers, such as the user’s IP address, information about their operating system, the referrer URL, cookies (Marketing) including IDE, 1P_JAR, ANID, CONSENT, NID and DV, date and language settings, all JavaScript objects, screen resolution, mouse movements, keystrokes and the duration of the user’s visit to the website. If the user is also logged into a Google user account at the time of their visit to the Doka website, Google may allocate the user’s visit to the Doka website to their user behaviour. In addition, Google may send further cookies to the user’s browser. The above list of browser and user data is by no means exhaustive. Google reCAPTCHA analyses and the entire recognition process takes place completely in the background.

Doka does not gain any precise knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Google and his no ability to further restrict the transmission of data to Google and its partners. Google may save data as user profiles and use it for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or to display its website in line with users’ needs. This analysis is carried out in particular for the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements (even for users not logged in to a Google account).

Revoking your consent:
By using the Doka website, you give your consent to the automatic collection, processing and use of data by Google. If you do not want Doka to use this service, we recommend contacting Doka using the contact details provided on the respective website. You have the right to object to the creation of user profiles, which could be created if a user is logged in to a Google account. You will need to contact Google to exercise this right.

Doka wishes to indicate that the use of reCAPTCHA v3 is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy ( You can find further information about reCAPTCHA at

NeoSpace® Plug-In

INNEO Solutions GmbH, Rindelbacher Str. 42, 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst), Germany

On our website we use content (3D models, graphics, videos, text) of INNEO Solutions GmbH, Rindelbacher Str. 42, D-73479 Ellwangen (Jagst), Germany. In relation to this use, 3D models and other media files are linked to our website with the software provided by INNEO Solutions GmbH. NeoSpace®, in turn, uses Google Analytics (provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland), which however in this case are linked in such a way that no cookies are created. Data on requests by visitors to the NeoSpace® components are collected, including URL, IP address, device and browser characteristics (user agent) and timestamp. The IP addresses of the users are anonymised and the users’ direct IDs are neither saved nor passed to Google Analytics.

INNEO Solutions GmbH uses anonymised data to improve its software offering. When you request a page that has an embedded 3D model, media (3D models, graphics, videos, text) are loaded from the internet servers of INNEO Solutions GmbH and/or Deutsche Doka Schalungstechnik GmbH and presented in your browser in the internet page requested on your computer.


Data Privacy Statements for applicants


Hotjar Ltd, Level 2, St Julian's Business Centre,
3, Elia Zammit Street,
St Julian's STJ 1000, Malta

Our websites use Hotjar, an analytics tool provided by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar helps us understand how visitors interact with our websites by using cookies and other technologies to track and collect user behavior data. This includes features like heatmaps, session recordings, and feedback polls. The data collected helps improve website usability and design. Hotjar's data collection is anonymized, and personal data is not stored unless explicitly provided by users (e.g., in feedback surveys). IP addresses are automatically anonymized, and the data is stored on Hotjar servers located within the European Union. Hotjar operates in compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations, ensuring that all sensitive information is protected.

The following Hotjar cookies are placed on our websites:

  • _hjIncludedInSample: Determines whether a user is included in the sampling to generate heatmaps, session recordings, and funnels. (Functional & Statistics)
  • _hjUserId: Assigns a unique user identifier to track visitor behavior across sessions without storing personal data, expiry 1 year. (Functional & Statistics)
  • _hjSession: Maintains the session ID, ensuring that user interactions during a single visit are attributed to the same session, expiry 30 minutes. (Functional & Statistics)
  • _hjRecordingEnabled: A session cookie that informs Hotjar whether the current session is being recorded. (Functional & Statistics)

Cookies help Hotjar collect data such as page navigation, mouse clicks, scrolling behavior, and time spent on specific pages. This data allows us to optimize our websites based on actual user experience. By visiting our websites, Hotjar receives the necessary information to analyze the pages you visit, regardless of whether you are logged in to any other service. Hotjar does not merge this data with other personal information, and you can prevent tracking by adjusting your cookie settings or using the Hotjar opt-out feature.

Revoking consent:
You can opt out of Hotjar tracking by visiting the following link: Hotjar Opt-out. Hotjar cookies can also be managed using our general cookie settings. By clicking on "Functional & Statistics" in our cookie settings, you can agree or decline the use of this service on our website. You can find additional information on Hotjar's data practices in their privacy statement at:

IV. Rights of the persons affected and contact

Doka points out that the user has rights pursuant to GDPR in relation to the processing of his/her personal data, in particular the right:

  • to check whether and which personal data we have stored about you and to receive copies of this data (right to information)
  • to request the correction, addition or deletion of your personal data that is incorrect or not processed in accordance with the law (right to correction and deletion)
  • to require us to restrict the processing of your personal data (right to restriction)
  • to object to the processing of your personal data under certain circumstances or to revoke a consent previously given for processing (right to object or revoke consent)
  • to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format and to transfer this data to another person responsible (right to data portability).

Doka does not process your personal data for the purpose of making decisions that are based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and that have legal effects on you(Art 22 GDPR).

In order to assert these rights and address other issues relating to the processing of personal data with Doka, please contact them at: Doka GmbH, Subject matter: Data protection query, Josef Umdasch Platz 1, 3300 Amstetten, Austria.

Please alternatively forward your queries on the subject of data protection to:

Data subjects may assert their rights with the competent data protection authorities, for Austria this is:

Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
Barichgasse 40-42
1030 Wien
Tel. +43 1 52 152-0

For other EU countries, the relevant authority can be found at, for non-EU countries, the relevant authority can be identified according to applicable laws.

V. Adapting the privacy statement

Doka regularly maintains its websites. This may include the statement being adapted. This adaptation is not referred to separately. It is therefore recommended to access this statement on a regular basis.