

The secret to more than
150 years of customer benefit.

A tradition of _Understanding.

We are able to look back on a long history of understanding. Listening intently, understanding the world as seen through the eyes of our customers, learning to understand all aspects and thinking ahead. We are passionate about not being satisfied with the first solution that might get the job done. Rather, we continue fine-tuning it until we come up with a true advantage for our customers. This is the only way a small woodworking shop could grow into a globally operating formwork company known by the brand name Doka since 1956.


Countless building objects around the world bear witness to what has defined Doka for so long: being a strong and trustworthy partner in the construction industry. Providing solutions for formwork and scaffolding, we understand the challenges our customers face. Knowing what it takes for a construction project to succeed, we work passionately no matter how big or small a project is. Performance on-site begins with having the right quantity of formwork and scaffolding in place at the right time. For us that is beyond question. Continuously improving our solutions, we are ready to go the extra-mile for successful project outcomes for our customers.

Or simply put: Formwork and Scaffolding. We make it work.



locations worldwide







employees worldwide

What truly matters.

The roots of the business that grew into today's Doka go back more than 150 years. Ever since, there has been one concept we value more than any other: _Understanding. It drives us, it is our passion and our secret DNA. For it is only with this _Understanding that we are able to create the added value that helps our customers to move ahead every day.

_Understanding markets.

Truly understanding a project's individual challenges requires an understanding of the regional particularities, needs and building methods of our customers' countries. For this reason we established 180 sales and logistics sites in 58 countries. This way our customers can always be certain of receiving quick and full support for their projects. For anything from a simple residential building, a football stadium, a bridge to the world's tallest tower. This is our global strength on which Doka customers can rely locally.


The construction site as a whole.

We focus not only on products, we focus on construction processes. How can our customers achieve more with fewer expenditures? Which detail can be optimised, which formwork service provides cost savings? These are thoughts running through our heads over and over again each day until in cooperation with our customers we developed another innovative solution.

_Understanding construction sites.

Three things are crucial in tough everyday construction site situations: Efficiency, safety and handling - only someone who understands exactly what happens on the construction site knows how to produce better products compatible with one another and to continue their further development. This is something we do based on our construction site experts and a team of 1,000 engineers. Smart products are the foundation for efficiency.


Thinking efficiency - think of renting as well.

Whether to buy or rent is simply a question of economics. More and more customers avail themselves of Doka's rental model because it increases efficiency and flexibility in addition to serving as an ideal complement for covering peak demands. No investment, no warehousing, no maintenance. These formwork products are always kept up by our service team and available any time in any quantity and design.

_Understanding projects.

Every construction site goes through its own process from planning stage through to completion. And, the sooner we join the process, the better our understanding of the project and the more we can improve its efficiency. We are happy to support our customers in any phase of their formwork projects. And we provide a single-source for products, services, planning, project management and logistics. Only a few companies can offer this understanding of all the many aspects of a construction project.

Perfect project management
is at the heart of success.

In order to create a seamless experience, Doka project management assist customers during the project development stage, decision-making stage, operations scheduling, execution and completion of construction.

Project management

_ Understanding the future.

Keeping things moving forward is something like second nature to us. We are never quite content with our achievements and are always looking for new angles of approaches. This is the reason we invest much time and money - to produce even better results for our customers.


_Understanding sustainability.

Everyone talks about sustainability. However, unless lived in real life it is but a trendy phrase. In our company we have been actively living sustainability for many decades because we consider it an important component of efficiency in construction.

Code of Conduct
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Construction site safety

User safety is another top priority at Doka. This was the reason for establishing DokaSafety, an important initiative aimed at developing heightened awareness of safety-related issues as part of comprehensive safety training sessions at customer sites. After all, safety motivates construction site workers to perform at maximum levels and reduces the risk that in a worst-case scenario the construction site comes to a standstill. By now studies provide evidence: the factor for calculating "return on prevention" is 2.2.


_Understanding construction sectors.

Competence does not just happen; at Doka, it is created as a result of daily experiences and concrete insights we gain from our customer's projects and then bundle in our Competence Centers. This is how we get the most out of each and every formwork unit. In particular when it comes to high-rises, bridges, tunnels, power plants or fair-faced concrete projects.