
Formwork return

After a joint viewing of the rented equipment on the site or at the branch, Doka draws up a return-delivery memo with you. This is binding on both parties and gives exact information on the quantity and the state of the equipment:

  • reduced aftercosts
  • cost-savings from shorter rental durations
  • your site crew are deployed more efficiently

Formwork return

Af­ter a joint view­ing of the rent­ed equip­ment on the site or at the branch, Doka draws up a re­turn-de­liv­ery me­mo with you. This is bind­ing on both par­ties and gives ex­act in­for­ma­tion on the quan­ti­ty and the state of the equip­ment:

  • reduced aftercosts
  • cost-savings from shorter rental durations
  • your site crew are deployed more efficiently
Quality Criteria on Rental - Framed wall formwork
Formwork return